Monthly Archives: May 2020

The Call From Heaven: to Become a Counselor

I am one with God. I am one with God, me, and myself.

As I have been journeying to become a counselor, the Lord has shown me many things to do to improve how I see myself and others from a Godly and therapeutic standpoint.

~”But godliness with contentment is great gain.”~1 Timothy 6:6, NIV~

In order for me to be the best therapist that I can be, I must strive towards Godliness. This means seeing my future clients as the Lord Jesus would see them as I humbly meet them where they are at in terms of their therapeutic needs.

I love people. I also love Jesus. Jesus loves my future clients for therapy more than I love them. Therefore, I must give Him all of the glory, the honor, and the praise that He deserves.

I am a student with Liberty University and their online program for as Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am about halfway into the program and am set to graduate in the Spring of 2022. I am thankful to God that I have made it this far. However, I must give all of the glory to God for allowing me to go through this bootcamp that is training to become a future counselor.

I am learning how to paraphrase. I am learning how to use challenging skills. I am also learning reflection of feeling, meaning, and content so that I can be equipped to serve my future clients as they come to me and I serve them: through therapy.

Even though it is only May 2020, I still have a long time to go before I graduate from this program. I see myself becoming a counselor and envision myself in this calling and profession as I work towards this calling every day. I thank God for giving me outlets for selfcare.

A shadow of a cross that I took at a nature park today!

Selfcare for me includes nature hiking, picking flowers, creating artwork through means of drawing and painting, writing, journaling, ballroom dancing, and other hobbies. Selfcare for me, as a future counselor, is so important because it will give me an outlet to recharge and rejuvenate for the next session with my future clients. I cannot wait until I graduate and am able to utilize my selfcare techniques by taking them to a new level when I start counseling in the future. It will be self-gratifying as well as honorable to the Lord.

~”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”~Jeremiah 29:11, NIV~

God knows the plans He has for me. I have to be the one to execute these plans for my future as I step out on faith and do what it takes to reach my goal to become a future counselor. This faith is something that moves mountains and is one that I cannot see. It is power. It is a miracle. It is glorious. Hallelujah!

I am still praying about the people group that I will be a counselor for to counsel. It will probably be women because I have a heart to serve women and their families. Please keep me in prayer every body as I work towards my goals.

**Don’t forget to follow me!! I will be sure to create blog posts at least once per week for your enjoyment. Happy Saturday everyone!!

~”I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”~Philippians 4:13, KJV~