I Am New

I am new. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, as a child of God with bipolar disorder.

~”Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”~2 Corintihans 5:17, KJV~

As a child of God with bipolar disorder, I am talented. I am creative. I am destined for goodness and greatness through the power of the only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus has granted me permission to enter and to walk into my calling and my destiny.

My calling and my destiny, as a child of God with bipolar disorder, is to write stories as an author. I am not just an author, who writes for my own healing: I write so that others may experience the healing power of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, as a result of my experiences through my stories.

My first book, “A Victory Song: Beneath the Veil,” will be published in February 2022. I am grateful to the Lord for the journey that His hand has taken me on so far in the publishing process of my first book. I have come so far on this journey, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

I remember when I was first searching for publishing companies to either publish or self-publish my book. I got many rejections from the publishing companies and other self-publishing companies (I am not going to mention the names of these self-publishing companies) that wanted to change the way that my story was written so as to change my testimony.

As I prayed, and prayed, and prayed, the Lord finally led me to Christian Faith Publishing to get my book self-published. I am really thankful to God for this new thing that He is allowing for me to birth, “A Victory Song: Beneath the Veil,” so that it will be published for the multitudes to read. Praise the Lord!

I am excited to see how the Lord will work through the multitudes of believers and nonbelievers once my book is published. If you have not heard of my first book or are contemplating if you should purchase a copy of my first book, “A Victory Song: Beneath the Veil,” I encourage you to purchase a copy once it is released in February 2022 so that my testimony can bring you healing, help, and hope. This is whether you battle a mental illness or if you are not battling a mental illness and are just curious to read my book!

As a child of God with bipolar disorder, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I am new.

1 thought on “I Am New

  1. I, too, am a bipolar Child of God! I also want to write stories, novels and the such. Writing is really the only thing I believe I’m good at (well most of the time….)


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