My Faith Shall Stand

My faith is possible. Because my faith in Christ is possible, my faith shall stand.

My faith in Christ is power. Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

My faith in Christ is love. Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

My faith in Christ is serenity. Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

My faith in Christ is peace. Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

My faith in Christ is joy. Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

My faith in Christ is kindness. Praise the Lord and hallelujah!

My faith is possible. Because my faith in Christ is possible, my faith shall stand. My faith in Christ is clarity because it points me to the Truth, which is the Holy Word of God that is yesterday, today, and forever. I will always believe in the Holy angels of God because they minister to me that all things, including having faith, is possible. Faith in Christ is always possible in my life, in Jesus’s name. To God be the glory throughout my lifetime! Amen.

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